All Episodes

Displaying 181 - 210 of 429 in total

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 262

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the importance of clothing and what we can learn from the High Priest’s clothing

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 261

Join Rabbi Tzvi as the brotherly relegation ship between Moses and Aaron

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 260

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he talks about receiving the 10 commandments from G-d, and what that entailed.

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 259

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the Torah’s attitude on a person born Jewish, and someone who converts. And who exactly was Jethro

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 258

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he talks about the importance confidence, skull caps, and the holiday of Tu B’shvat

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 257

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the complaints of the Jewish people in the desert, and even a positive to all their complaining

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 256

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses some of the first commands to the Jewish people and why we focus on our redemption from Egypt.

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 255

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the importance of education, and what we are trying to accomplish when we help our children.

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 248

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the rape of Dina, and when is it Ok to kill and when are you a tyrant

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 247

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the fight between Jacob and the Angel

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 246

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he talks about his recent wedding, and all the wedding stuff we learn from this weeks Torah portion

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 245

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses how Jacob has different kinds of tests, and why the Jewish people must come from him.

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 244

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 242

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 242

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 241

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the why Abraham prayed to save the wicked people of Sedom. And what made them so wicked

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 240

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he talks about his father ob”m and how his father acted like Abraham

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 239

Join Rabbi Tzvi as discusses the Tower of Babel, why they weren’t destroyed and what should our attitude be to a world gone mad

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 238

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the difference between leadership and righteousness

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 237

Join Rabbi Tzvi as discusses the first Torah portion, and why is this so important to start with

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 236

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he wraps up the holiday season, and why we have all these holidays one after another

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 235

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 234

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 233

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 232

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he gets ready for Rosh Hashanah and discusses the Shofar, and why is I so powerful.

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 231

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses what keeping Shemitah entails, and how G-d reciprocates

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 230

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the law that a criminal can’t be left hanging over night

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 229

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the custom of arranged marriages, why do they work

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 228

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the Torah’s command to appoint a King. Is this a suggestion or command

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 227

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the Jewish preparation towards war, and how even small actions have major impacts