All Episodes

Displaying 151 - 180 of 429 in total

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 302

Thank you for listening, please go to and pledge your support for Let's Talk Torah. Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses, the Shema, w...

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 301

Thank you for listening, please go to and pledge your support for Let's Talk Torah. Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses why Moses wan...

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 300

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses, why we cry over sticks and stones, and a fascinating conversation between Jeremiah and Plato

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 299

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he describes and gives the background for 24 wagon loads of Jewish texts that were burnt in 1242 in France

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 288

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he tells the story of Ruth and an amazing lesson we can all leave with.

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 287

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he continues to discuss the 48 ways, plus an amazing story, that shows the power of a good teacher

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 286

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he talks about the Sabbatical year and get’s into more of the 48 ways to acquire Torah

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 285

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the Holiday of Lag BaOmer, who was Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, and why do so many people visit his grave.

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 284

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the holidays and how even rabbinic holidays are hinted to in this weeks Torah portion.

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 283

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the 48 ways to acquire Torah, and how many of them apply to all wisdom

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 282

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he looks at the myriad of commands in this weeks Torah portion, and how honesty in business makes us holy

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 281

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses love, and how the Torah expects me to act with my friends and neighbors

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 280

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the service of Yom Kipur and why would a person want a personal alter

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 279

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses why this is the only Torah portion with “death” in the name

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 278

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he continues to discuss Passover, the stories, the 10 plagues and other fun stuff

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 277

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he talks all about Passover, and how and why we get our children involved

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 276

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses what we can learn from the process of becoming pure and the benefit of breaking down a house only to discover later the treasure

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 275

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses why the Torah is discussing what one does when he gets Tzaraas/leprosy instead of why one gets Tzaraas/leprosy

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 274

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses how Aharon could be silent when his 2 son’s died and what we can learn.

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 273

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the tragedy when great people die, and why we cry if they lived a good long life.

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 272

Join Rabbi Tzvi with his special guest Sam Rozenberg as they discuss charity, Sam’s charity platform helping out the small charities and even some current events

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 271

Join Rabbi Tzvi with his special guest Sam Rozenberg as they discuss charity, Sam’s charity platform helping out the small charities and even some current events

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 270

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses Part 2 of the Purim story

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 269

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses Part 1 of the Purim story

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 268

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses how the temporary Tabernacle was more special than the actual Temple

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 267

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses when G-d expects me to work and when I rely on G-d

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 266

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the power of the mirrors, and how the Jewish women saved the nation

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 265

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses time and space, and which one gives us a better chance at spirituality.

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 264

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the the half “shekel” coin that became a yearly donation, what was it’s purpose and why did G-d have to show Moses one made of fire.

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 263

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the Golden Calf, and how Moses defense of a “stiff necked” people, saved us.