All Episodes

Displaying episodes 91 - 120 of 429 in total

Let's Talk Torah Episode 352

Rebuke, is there a right way to do it?Join Rabbi Tzvi  as he discusses rebuke, especially with our children and how we need to do it with love. And what does that love...

Let's Talk Torah Episode 351

What does it mean to redeem our first born, and why do we do it?Join Rabbi Tzvi  as he discusses his grandson’s “redemption and the connection to Passover. Also, an ov...

Let's Talk Torah Episode 350

Why is it necessary for the leper to be in solitary confinement?Join Rabbi Tzvi  as he talks about the leper and how he can repent thru humbleness and the power of prayer

Let's Talk Torah Episode 349

Why is slander such a terrible thing?Join Rabbi Tzvi  as he discusses the power of slander and how to nip it in the bud

Let's Talk Torah Episode 348

Passover Passover and more PassoverJoin Rabbi Tzvi  as he talks about the holiday of freedom, and what does freedom really mean

Let's Talk Torah Episode 347

What’s the deal with the Matzah (unleavened bread) and Major (bitter herb)Join Rabbi Tzvi  as he discusses the special foods for Passover and why we make such a big deal

Let's Talk Torah Episode 346

Sacrifices – what are they all aboutJoin Rabbi Tzvi  as he discusses the who what why and for what purpose did they bring sacrifices 

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 345

Who is better, the facilitator or the doerJoin Rabbi Tzvi  as he discusses the special love G-d shows to Moses, and the power of helping others give charity 

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 344

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses what made the Tabernacle so special, it wasn’t it’s size or grandeur

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 343

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the who what why and where of the donations and the power of a group

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 342

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 341

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the fun, joyous holiday called Purim, plus the story, what really did happen

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 340

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the fun, joyous holiday called Purim, plus the story, what really did happen – part 2

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 339

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the fun, joyous holiday called Purim, plus the story, what really did happen

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 338

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he talks about Moses’s family and a dog that became an astronaut

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 337

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses Jethro, the father in law of Moses. Who was he, why did he come, and how can we see from his conversation how special he was?

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 336

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he talks about the right time for prayer and the right time for action

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 335

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the Mannah (bread from Heaven), was it all good and how does it effect us today?

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 334

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he dissects the 10 plagues and brings out lessons for our everyday lives

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 333

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the give and take between Moses and Pharoh and what was Moses trying to accomplish

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 332

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses who was Moses, where did he come from and how did he become the quintessential leader?

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 331

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the amazing role that Jewish women took in Egypt to ensure our survival

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 330

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses what were the lessons from the first book of the Torah

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 329

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses what is living, and what is life all about

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 328

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses how Joseph tries to mend fences with his brothers but ultimately fails

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 327

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses why Joseph felt it necessary to cause his brothers to suffer

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 326

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the holiday of Hanukah, the history, the candles and the fun stuff as well

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 325

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses Joseph and his brothers, and how we treat our children nowadays

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 324

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the meeting between Eisav and Jacob, and how we use this advice even today

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 323

Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the rape of Dina, and how the brothers enacted their revenge (killing the whole city)