All Episodes

Displaying episodes 61 - 90 of 429 in total

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 382

What can we learn from Noah, the flood, and it’s aftermathJoin Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses who Noah was, the story of the flood, and the impact this Torah portion has w...

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 381

Who was Noah and what made him so unique?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses who Noah was, and the impact this Torah portion has with current events

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 380

What are we doing on Yom Kipur- Part 2?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses why Yom Kipur is such a holy day, and a great holiday as well

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 379

What are we doing on Yom Kipur- Part 1?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses why Yom Kipur is such a holy day, and a great holiday as well

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 378

What are we doing on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year – Part 2?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he continues to discuss, what is Rosh Hashanah all about, and what are we trying to...

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 377

What are we doing on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year- Part 1?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses what is Rosh Hashanah all about, and what are we trying to accomplish.

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 376

What is the big deal about the Shofar?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the the Shofar, what it can teach us, and why do I care.

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 375

How does Torah work with science?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses what it means, Torah is not in Heaven, and what did the Rabbi’s of the Talmud really know about modern...

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 374

What is the benefit to look back over the year?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the importance of gratitude, and even as I look forward, I need to take an accounting of...

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 373

The difference between a “mistake” and a denial?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses mistakes and denial, some of the things that happens at home all the time

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 372

Why do I want to do what’s right?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses how a person can do the same action with different outcomes in G-D’s eyes

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 371

Is it really better to learn from “other peoples” mistakes?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the the importance of making strides on your own, and not just waiting for help

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 370

What does it mean to “trust” G-d?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses how a person can try to understand what G-d wants from him, and some great stories to bring this point...

Let's Talk Torah - Episode 369

What does it mean, to “give the benefit of the doubt” and why should I?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the the importance of judges, and how each and every one of us a...

Lets Talk Torah - Ep. 368

The how what and why of loving G-dJoin Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses how can I learn to love G-d if I don’t feel like it

Lets Talk Torah - Ep. 367

What is the 9th of Av all about, and is it only a sad day?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses that even in mourning, we can see G-D’s love for us

Lets Talk Torah - Ep. 366

Did Bilam really have the power to curse?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses who Bilam was, and what powers (if any) did he have.

Lets talk Torah - Ep. 365

Where does the snake symbol on doctors officers come from, and why does it work?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the idea’s of good and bad omens, and can we rely on them?

Lets Talk Torah - Ep. 364

Who was Korach, and why is jealousy so blinding?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the power of a wife and the power of jealousy.

Lets Talk Torah - Ep. 363

Why do the “clouds of glory” represent true love?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the power of love, and how husbands and wives can show each other they care.

Lets Talk Torah - Ep. 362

Can the physical and spiritual mix?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the mistake of the “spies” and what we can learn from pouring “wine” on the Alter

Lets Talk Torah - Ep. 361

How were Joshua and Kaleb able to give a good report about Israel, while the other 10 spies could not?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the “power of prayer” and why som...

Let's Talk Torah Episode 360

How are livelyhood and food connected?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the special “bread” that came from Heaven, and why we refer to it as “livelyhood”

Let's Talk Torah Episode 359

What is so special about a “golden Menorah”?Join Rabbi Tzvi as he discusses the “gold” of the golden menorah, and the how’s and why of praise.

Let's Talk Torah Episode 358

Sampson part 2Join Rabbi Tzvi  as he continues to discuss Sampson

Let's Talk Torah Episode 357

Who was Sampson, and why is he so complicated?Join Rabbi Tzvi  as he discusses the who what and why of a Nazir. Part 1 of the complicated life of Sampson

Let's Talk Torah Episode 356

What can we learn from the story of Ruth?Join Rabbi Tzvi  as he discusses how the story of Ruth applies to us today and to learn to never miss an opportunity

Let's Talk Torah Episode 355

How did the Jewish people prepare for the “receiving of the Torah”?Join Rabbi Tzvi  as he discusses the preparations for receiving the Torah on Mt. Sinai and this semi...

Let's Talk Torah Episode 354

What does it mean, “to lift up the poor” and what is our responsibility?Join Rabbi Tzvi  as he discusses our responsibility towards our friends and relatives 

Let's Talk Torah Episode 353

Why is the Sabbatical. Year a basis for faith?Join Rabbi Tzvi  as he discusses the Sabbatical year, and how it keeps us “grounded”.